That’s a reasonable question.
If you’re questioning why you need a financial advisor, I like to think of it from three different aspects. You may lack one or more of the following: time, skill, or discipline.
- Time: You may very well know exactly what you need to do, or maybe you’re doing all the right things now to stay financially healthy. But if you’re anything like me, you only have so many hours in the day. For me it’s sort of like hiring a cleaning lady – I know how to clean my house better than anyone, but how does it feel to have that time freed up so you can focus on something else? Not to mention having a clean house is a necessity, even if it only stays like that for ONE hour. I would argue having your finances in order is also a necessity, and I would hope the impact of that will last longer than an hour 😉.
- Skill: Let’s face it – there are clearly things you are great at, and a lot you are good at, but you can’t possibly be good at everything! We didn’t all attend law or medical school, and we certainly don’t all have the same interests. Much like the reasons you search for an estate planning attorney or back surgeon, maybe you don’t know where to start to get the advice you need from a finance perspective. This is where a financial advisor comes into play – to assess the current situation, understand where you want to be, and develop a plan to get there.
- Discipline: A lot us may know what to do, but we need help staying on track. Do you use a personal trainer or have a subscription to a boutique gym? Why? Do you need assistance staying relevant and interesting with your workouts? What about high intensity music and encouraging instructors? Or are you after a highly specialized experience? However you spin it, the same parallels can be drawn with having a financial advisor in your corner. Tax law changes? Refinancing a home? Saving for college, or still paying college debt off? You should be able to call your financial advisor to help you navigate these decisions.
If any of this resonates with you, feel free to give me a ring – there is no charge for the initial conversation. I look forward to hearing from you.