Long-Term Care: How To Plan

Long-Term Care: How To Plan

No one wants to discuss it. No one wants to save for it. But most admit they may need some sort of care. How do you plan for it? Let’s address four questions related to long-term care. What is long-term care (“LTC”)? Definition: medical and non-medical care provided...
Top 5 Tax Considerations

Top 5 Tax Considerations

You filed your taxes – you’re done, right?  Not so fast!  Now is the best time to review your return to set yourself up for success this year.  Here are our top 5 tax considerations for 2024: Did you fail to withhold or underpay your estimates? If so, review...
Qualified Small Business Stock

Qualified Small Business Stock

What is Qualified Small Business Stock? Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) may also be referred to as “1202  Stock” after the section of the Tax Code addressing this topic. Qualified Small Business Stock isn’t an election; if you meet the requirements, it is QSBS!...