Earth Week: Ideas For A Greener Home

Earth Week: Ideas For A Greener Home

Earth Day is on April 22nd.  Quarantine or not, I think we would all agree we could use a new way forward. If implementing a greener lifestyle isn’t in the cards for you, then ignore this!  However, I’m passionate about creating a greener life for us and...
How do you define your fear?

How do you define your fear?

As we enter week 3 of the COVID-19 quarantine, how are you using social media and technology to stay connected? Do you feel understood, or more isolated?  How do you define your fear? Are you worried about: Lifestyle changes (i.e., Less discretionary spending,...
Can you teach your kids to ski?

Can you teach your kids to ski?

Have you tried to teach someone something that you love?  Maybe your son or daughter, or even your wife or husband?  How successful are you? We just got back from our first family-of-5-on-a-plane-vacation in Utah.  As soon as we woke up, my husband took our 4-year old...
Do you have a knot in your finances?

Do you have a knot in your finances?

Have you ever had a knot in your favorite chain necklace that you are determined to get out?  How do you start? You need to start pulling away at the knot to figure out your plan of attack, and oftentimes, you don’t get it right on the first attempt.  I find parallels...